Mystery Books & Non-Fiction Books
Mystery Books
For all of my mystery books (and non-fiction books), you can go to the sites listed below to buy them. (A few of these books are not out yet, but will be soon.)
The mystery books are rich in character development and they are definitely “gritty,” meaning there is language of the streets and occasional violence. If this is objectionable to you, you should probably not read them. The novellas (A Hard Life, Promises Kept, and Finding Family) are stories about characters that appear in the mystery books. They are short (usually less than 100 pages) and they consist mostly of the early life of those characters. One is about Dominic Mangini (Finding Family), another about Number Two (Promises Kept), and the recently released, A Hard Life, about Tip Denton, one of the detectives in the Blood Flows South series.
The non-fiction books are typically brief and humorous (I hope) and ideally, they are informative.
As with all of my books—they’re guaranteed. If you don’t like what you read, send me a receipt and I’ll either give you another book (digital only) or refund your money.
The books are listed below by series and genre. The book covers are also shown, though not necessarily in a corresponding manner. You can click on any of the store links below to purchase whichever book you want. Sribd, XinXii, Smashwords, and StreetLib do not carry all the books, at least not yet.
Buy the eBook here:
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Buy the Print Version here:
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Friendship & Honor Series
Murder Takes Time, Book 1
Murder Has Consequences, Book 2
Murder Takes Patience, Book 3 (2014)
Murder Is Invisible, Book 4 (2017)
Coming Soon
Murder Is a Promise
Blood Flows South
A Bullet For Carlos, Book 1
Finding Family, the Beginning (novella)
A Bullet From Dominic, Book 2
A Hard Life (novella)
The Good Book
Light of Lights (prequel)
A Promise of Vengeance (Book I)
Undeniable Vengeance (Book II)
Consummate Vengeance (coming soon)
No Mistakes Careers
No Mistakes Resumes, Book 1
No Mistakes Interviews, Book 2
No Mistakes Hiring, Book 3 (coming soon)
No Mistakes Networking, Book 4
View everything related to Giacomo’s No Mistakes Career series and services at his website: No
Other No Mistakes Series
No Mistakes Grammar (for adults)
Misused Words for BusinessMore Misused Words
Misused Words and Then Some
Visual Grammar

No Mistakes Publishing
How to Publish an eBook
How to Format an eBook
eBook Distribution
Print on Demand—Who to Use to Print Your Books
No Mistakes Writing
Writing Shortcuts
How to Write a Bestseller
Editing Made Easy
Sanctuary Tales Series
A Collection of Animal Stories
More Animal Stories
Whiskers and Bear
Other Non-Fiction
Life and Then Some
Surviving a Stroke—or Two
Life on the Farm for Kids Series
No Mistakes Grammar for Kids
Much and Many
Lie and Lay
Bring and Take
Would’ve and Should’ve
There, They’re, Their and To, Too, and Two
No Mistakes Grammar Bites
This is the first in a series of books to teach two lessons each about often confused grammar issues. The key is that they teach using plain English without resorting to grammar terms. I’ve only listed the cover for the first two books because the covers are identical with the exception of the titles.
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume I, Lie, Lay, Laid, and It’s and Its
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume II, Good and Well, and Then and Than
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume III, That, Which, and Who, and There Is and There Are
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume IV, Affect and Effect, and Accept and Except
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume V, You’re and Your, and They’re, There, and Their
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume VI, Passed and Past, and Into, In To and In
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume VII, Farther and Further, and Onto, On, and On To
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume VIII, Anxious and Eager, and Different From and Different Than
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume IX, A While and Awhile, and Envy and Jealousy
No Mistakes Grammar Bites, Volume X, Could’ve and Should’ve, and Irony and Coincidence
There are twenty-six books in the series. All the books sell for 99c. At that price you can’t go wrong.
Simply Put: The Plain English Grammar Guide
The ultimate grammar book.
Regardless of whether you are a professional writer or simply want to enhance your writing skills, Simply Put: The Plain English Grammar Guide, is the one to lend a hand.
It consists of more than 600 pages of plain English, instead of the nonsense you may be accustomed to reading with other grammar books. Below is the cover followed by the description.
Does the world need another grammar book? I think so. And it needs one because many of the existing books are filled with explanations using grammatical terms that many people don’t understand, and the people who do understand don’t need the book.
Like all my grammar books, I have done everything possible to explain things clearly and without resorting to grammatical terms or complex explanations. Everything is in plain, simple English
The Adventures of Adalina
Adalina and the Five Tiny Bears (book I)
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