Archive for June, 2017

Compare to versus Compare With

Compare to versus Compare With

Written by on June 27, 2017 in blog, grammar, writing with 0 Comments

Compare to and Compare With Some authors claim that compare to versus compare with is a useless argument–that they mean essentially the same thing, but this is not supported by actual data. The verb compare has several different meanings, some of which take the preposition “to”, while the others take “with”: Compare A to B […]

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Advertising Using Bookbub and Pronoun

Advertising Using Bookbub and Pronoun

Advertising Using BookBub and Pronoun Everyone knows that BookBub is the holy grail of promotions. Talk to any author who’s been around awhile and they’ll tell you—BookBub delivers the sales. So advertising using BookBub is worth it, right? Yes. But with that said, it can be painful because Amazon, B&N, and Kobo all have taken […]

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