
Word Versus Scrivener Any time the question “what is the best software for writing books” comes up, “Word versus Scrivener” is mentioned. “Word versus Scrivener” is a question that’s been batted back and forth for years. I think it’s time to put an end to the debates regarding which is the best book-writing software. The […]

Plethora—It’s Not What You May Think If you listen to people speak, you’re bound to hear the word plethora used sooner or later. And when you do, it will probably be used erroneously. Last year, I decided to do an informal self-conducted poll, and, in a thirty-day span, I heard the word used eleven times. […]

Grammar Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult Grammar is difficult for a lot of people, but it doesn’t need to be. The biggest hurdle to learning grammar is the terminology. Most books, and most teachers, use grammatical terms when they’re not necessary. While researching my book, I ran across the following terms on more than a […]

Printers for Self-publishing The publishing world has experienced an explosion of new books, many of them from indie authors. According to Bowker more than 725,000 self-published works were registered in 2015. That should give you an idea of the number of books being published by indies. Most of those people will need printers for self-publishing […]

Dialogue Tags What Are Dialogue Tags and When Is It Best to Use Them? People, meaning writers, seem to mess up dialogue tags a whole lot. In an attempt to sound “writerly” or make it appear as if they are experience authors, they use ridiculous dialogue tags when they shouldn’t. What do I mean? The […]

Capitalizing Dialogue You’ve already learned about dialogue tags—I hope. Now learn how capitalizing dialogue is easy. Read on to find out how to capitalize dialogue—when to do it and when not to. Capitalizing Dialogue Capitalizing dialogue is one of the areas that makes authors stumble, especially new authors. Don’t let it. It’s not that difficult. […]

eBook Distribution There is a new player in the eBook distribution game or somewhat new. Pronoun is the name of the company who used to be Vook. Now Pronoun has been purchased by Macmillan, one of the big traditional publishers. I’ve covered this extensively in my new book eBook Distribution, but I felt a few details […]

The Best Mystery Book What makes the best mystery book? Ask ten people and you’ll likely get some overlap, but I’d be willing to bet you’d get at least 7 different opinions. Some might say it’s the dialogue that keeps them turning pages; others would swear it’s the character development; while a few may proclaim […]
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